Hazardous Materials Present In A Clogged Sewer Line and Their Adverse Health Effects
If you have a clogged sewer line, you want to get it fixed as soon as possible. Clogged sewer lines can allow fecal matter and other hazardous materials to be pushed up into your home. It can flow not just out of your toilet, but also your sinks and showers.
When your sewer line becomes clogged, it might be tempting to try fixing it yourself. While it may be safe to attempt other plumbing repairs at home, a clogged sewer line isn’t one of them. The materials in your sewer line are highly hazardous to human health. Only a person with the safety certifications and knowledge necessary to safely work around hazardous materials should work around them.
Human Fecal Matter
Human fecal matter is present in sewer line. Many diseases come from contact with human fecal matter. Many of these illnesses are life-threatening. Small children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems are most at risk. This is because of the high amounts of bacteria present in human waste.
Drain cleaners and other chemicals might also be present in your sewer line. These are toxic if inhaled or ingested. Certain chemical products can create hazardous fumes if combined. What chemicals are being combined once inside your sewer line is unknown. This is one reason only a professional with the proper equipment should work with your clogged sewer line.
Do You Need Help With a Clogged Sewer Line?
A clogged sewer line isn’t just annoying, it’s hazardous. The sewer line can potentially allow fecal matter and other hazardous materials to enter your home through any pipes. This is why you need to call a professional plumber right away.
If you need help with a clogged sewer line, contact us today. One of our associates would be more than happy to assist you with your issue.