Protect Your Home or Business By Installing Flood Sensors

Property damage due to a natural or man-made occurrence of flooding often results in a massive amount of clean up costs and/or property loss. By installing flood sensors, property owners can avoid all the headaches and mess associated with cleaning up water damaged areas and replacing water-damaged items, as well as having to throw away other items that may have irreplaceable sentimental value.

Protect Your Home or Business By Installing Flood Sensors

Business Owners

Not all businesses are open 24 hours a day. This means water leaks that occur when a commercial building is empty may have an extensive period of time in which to damage property. At minimum, the average commercial building has a water heater and water pipes, along with toilets and sinks for hand-washing. Some types of businesses may have additional facilities including

  • Laundry facilities in hotels, laundromats, apartment buildings, etc.
  • Dishwashers, dish sinks, and refrigerators in restaurants.


Private homes typically have a variety of appliances and other fixtures that could lead to a water leak. Hot water heaters, washing machines, dishwashers, toilets, hand-washing sinks, utility sinks, and water pipes that may freeze and burst during the winter months, are all capable of causing water damage. If the homeowners are gone during the day or if they are on vacation when a leak occurs, catastrophic water damage is likely.

How do Flood Sensors Work?

A flood sensor is a lightweight device that is strategically placed near areas where a water leak could occur. It is designed to send an alert signal to a property owner the moment it first senses the presence of water. These types of devices can alert property owners through a simple message sent to their smartphone or by way of sending a message to a security hub that monitors various types of security issues such as flood, fire, break-ins, carbon monoxide detection, etc.

If you would like to know more about how the installation of flood sensors can protect your property and other valuables, please contact us at Ory’s Plumbing Solutions.

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